
Friday 8 May 2020


It was a quiet tuesday morning everyone just having their moring cup of tea or coffee. Sun was rising clouds were drifting away, it was just an overall quiet day when disaster struck.
The president of japan had started a cyberwar with america after his wife was assassinated by former american cia agent john wick. He was later caught by japanese military and interrogated. He framed the american president donald trump saying he was ordered secretly by him to assassinate his wife and steal important intel from the Torii station army base. He was later sentenced to prison for life, all this time the japanese president Shinzo abe was planning a cyber attack on american nukes.

Knock knock knock. Samuel walked towards the door and opened it before he could reach it his robotic companion danny model 3491 opened it for him. “Hello Mr.Samuel!” The fallout tech spokesman said kindly “umm hello?” sam replied in a worried voice “oh yes sorry i must introduce myself I am daniel a spokesman for the fallout tech robotics industry. I am here today to ask if you are interested in a once in a lifetime spectacular deal that could just save your life!” He paused for a moment before continuing “Fallout tech has just installed a new bunker just next to your beautiful neighborhood and you can book it for only 5000 Credits! Just scan your fingerprint right here and the money will be taken from your account and you will have premium access to the fallout bunker. He hesitated and thought may as well take the deal my ebill this week is 10000 credits anyways why not.

Beep zzztzzzt the holo tab scanned his finger and he was done. “Thank you Mr.Samuel you wont regret this” he said as he walked off to knock on the next door. 3 hours later. AHHHHHHHHHH a high pitched shrill scream followed by many more screams and shouts echoed through the neighborhood. Sam took a moment to look out the window and look what was going on , there was a bright shining light is that the sun he thought no what dont be silly he recalled earlier this morning of the spokesman who came by to make a deal with him. Seconds later reality struck him… Nukes?! What the hell without time to think he raced to his coat hanger and rushed out the front door and ran for the shelter.

When he reached the shelter he could see armed mechs standing at the gates with t2700 auto rifles. People were struggling to get past and punching the robots those who fought were shot he saw the fallout spokesman attempt to jump the fence he was quickly shot and his lifeless corpse thudded as it hit the ground. He ran over to the mechs and one of them grabbed his arm and scanned him with a blue light for his one it bleeped green but for another woman it bleeped red. She struggled to get loose and was shot, You May Enter a robotic mechanised voice said he was then pushed through the gate and made a mad run for the vault.

BOOM the loud noise thundered throughout all of america over 326 million dead and only 700,000 remaining as he entered the vault he heard loud shouts and people crying and sparks flying he walked towards a vault tech security guard he was about to ask what was going on when the lights went out...

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